Tuesday 26 September 2017


A few fun facts...  The ones that can help us in our businesses are:

#13 - Doing things that scare you, will make you happier.  Well, that's every day for an entrepreneur!  :)

#23 - Being alone for a long time is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.  Something for us to think about if we're working from home a lot...  Make sure we get out there and spend time with real people!

#26 - Keep an eye on people's feet if we're negotiating!  :)  If they are turning away from us, it suggests they disagree...

Thursday 21 September 2017

How To Learn Anything Faster - 5 Tips to Increase your Learning Speed (F...

Really useful video, giving tips on how to reshuffle our working time so that it's truly effective.   It details these 5 tips:

1 - Deconstruct the skill, and use the Pareto Principle - the 80/20 principle.  Focus on just the 1 or 2 tasks that will give you the majority of the results.

2 - Have a laser-like focus and use the Pomodoro Technique.

This is where you shut down all external distractions and fully focus on the task for around 20 - 25 minutes, then take a 5 min break.  After 4 of these sessions, so after around 2 hours of this, take a longer break.  Apparently this increases productivity significantly, so is a great tip!

3 - Learn by Doing -and gain experience by making mistakes

4 - Be Persistent - fight through the 'dip', which is the time after your initial excitement, when things aren't happening as quickly as you wanted them to and a lot of people quit

5 - Get Enough Sleep - sleep consolidates memories, and allows our brains to continue developing given all the new information we're consuming.  The video explains this Brain Plasticity Theory.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | Tim Ferriss

I love this - Tim Ferriss talks us through the Philosophy of Stoicism, and the key points I took from this are:

- perform Fear Analysis, in the same way you would Goal Analysis
- anything that is making us worry about taking a forward action, should be analysed to find out why.  - sure, your fear might be well founded and completely valid, but just work through it and then you'll know for certain.
- otherwise you'll be able to find work-arounds in case the 'what if' scenario actually happens
- this is similar to the risk analysis that I used to perform in my previous life as a project manager - understanding what can go wrong, and mitigating that is the best way to get comfortable with your decisions

Saturday 2 September 2017


Some of my take-aways from this vid:

- 'The new world is going to eat the old world'.

- If you're winning at the moment - don't let someone else buy you, 'buy yourself'.

- Innovation always wins

- White space in Snapchat...  just a snippet he dropped, but could be worth exploring!