Tuesday 27 June 2017

5 Tips to Make Lead Magnets Perform Better [Infographic]

Lead magnets are content offers that entice your visitors to share their contact info in order to download them.
We recently wrote an article on how to create lead magnets that win clicks and influence customers - in that piece, we covered how to make lead magnets which provide value to your target audience. But we got so many good questions about the supporting structure that lead magnets require - and they do require a lot of supporting structure.
You need calls to action that compel visitors to click your offer, you need landing pages that have nice images, but are clean, crisp, and get to the point. 
You need forms that capture the right information without being pushy, 'thank you' pages which entice downloaders to continue to engage.
With these details in mind, we created this infographic of five key tips to make your lead magnets perform better. 

Article by Bob Carver on June 23rd 2017 - article source

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