Wednesday 11 April 2018

The Psychology Of Fonts Continued

Font Psychology - Part 2

Article by Nick Kolenda


Fonts differ in their perceptual traits. For example:

This section explains which traits perform better in certain contexts. If you want more detail, Henderson et al. (2004) and Li (2009) are helpful references.


Serifs are slight projections at the end of typefaces.

Designers love debating serifs vs. sans-serif fonts. Based on the research, though, it seems counterproductive. Other traits play a bigger role.

Nonetheless, here are some findings:

Serif Fonts Are More Readable Via Print
Well…supposedly. Some designers claim that serifs help guide the eye flow:

“Roman typefaces are more legible because the theory states that serifs assist in the horizontal flow of reading and eye movements.” (De Lange et al., 1993, pp. 246)

But I’m not convinced. We don’t read text in smooth patterns. Our eyes jump across lines of text— in movements called saccades (see Becker & Fuchs, 1969).

Since the movement is jerky, the “eye flow” claim seems like a myth.

Sans-Serif Fonts Are More Readable Via Screens
This finding seems more plausible.

Computer screens display information through a pixelated grid. Due to that box-like structure, a serif may be less identifiable.

With today’s technology, it shouldn’t be an issue. But it might play a role if you’re working with very small fonts.

Serif Fonts Convey Elegance and Rationale

Generally, serif fonts are more effective for formal or scientific contexts.

In one study, people evaluated scientific text more favorably when the font contained serifs (Kaspar et al., 2015). 

Other research suggests that serif fonts seem more elegant and beautiful (Tantillo, Lorenzo-Aiss, & Mathisen, 1995).

Sans-Serif Fonts Convey Informality and Innovation
Conversely, people perceive sans-serif fonts to be more informal and innovative (Tantillo, Lorenzo-Aiss, & Mathisen, 1995).


Light Fonts Convey Beauty and Femininity

I explained the reason in Part 1.

Medium Weight Fonts Are Most Readable
Luckiesh and Moss (1940) researched the optimal weight for readability. They displayed “Memphis” in different weights, and they found that medium weights were most readable:

Bold Fonts Convey Power and Masculinity
Researchers argue that bold fonts convey an extreme connotation:

“Bold can be made to mean ‘daring’, ‘assertive’, or ‘solid’ and ‘substantial’, for instance, and its opposite can be made to mean ‘timid’, or ‘insubstantial’. But the values may also be reversed. Boldness may have a more negative meaning. It may be made to mean ‘domineering’, ‘overbearing’.” (Van Leeuwen, 2006, pp. 148)

Lieven et al. (2015) also explain a connection between heavy typefaces and masculinity. Since people associate a bulky stature with men, bold fonts match that visual trait.


Rounded Fonts Convey Comfort, Softness, & Femininity

Bar and Neta (2006) published a paper called, “Humans Prefer Visual Curved Objects.” They found that…well…humans prefer visual curved objects. 

Angular shapes trigger an evolutionary threat:

“…sharp transitions in contour might convey a sense of threat, and therefore trigger a negative bias…” (Bar & Neta, 2006, pp. 645)

Now, if context were irrelevant, then people would prefer rounded fonts over angular fonts. However, context DOES matter. As I explained, appropriateness is important.

That said, rounded fonts are more effective for domains related to:
Softness or comfort (Jiang et al., 2016)
Femininity or beauty (Lieven et al., 2015)
Sweet foods (Velasco et al., 2015)
Angular Fonts Convey Formality, Durability, & Masculinity

Conversely, angular fonts perform better for:

Formal or official contexts (Brumberger, 2003)
Masculinity and durability (Lieven et al., 2015)
Bitter, salty, or sour foods (Velasco et al., 2015)


Simple Fonts Convey Directness

If your message is direct and straightforward, use a rigid typeface without any ornaments (Li, 2009). 

The simplistic font will match the simplistic nature of the context — thus increasing fluency.

Complex Fonts Convey Uniqueness

Processing fluency conveys abundance and familiarity. Usually, those traits are beneficial. But not always.

With unique products, familiarity is detrimental. You want some disfluency because it’ll reinforce the distinctiveness of your product.

In one study, people perceived more value in a gourmet cheese when the font was difficult to read (Pocheptsova, Labroo, & Dhar, 2010). The complex font became a signal for uniqueness — which was congruent and appropriate with the context.


Slanted Fonts Convey Movement
Earlier, I explained why slanted fonts convey movement and speed (see Walker, 2015).

Straight Fonts Convey Stability
Likewise, straight fonts — with their rigid structure — convey stability and durability.


Lowercase Conveys Compassion and Innovation
Oosterhout (2013) examined branding and perceptual characteristics. She found that lowercase letters are particularly effective for “caregiver” brands that promote compassion and altruism. 

She also found that thin lowercase letters are congruent with “creator” brands that emphasize innovation.

Uppercase Conveys Power and Strength
Oosterhout (2013) also found that uppercase letters are effective for “hero” brands that convey qualities related to energy, courageousness, and focus:

“BWM, Diesel, Duracell, Nike and Sony are also using capitals in their word marks, to express their power and strength.” (pp. 39)

Mixed Case Letters Are Most Readable
Garvey, Pietucha, and Meeker (1997) studied legibility in road signs. They found that mixed case letters are most readable.

They proposed two reasons:
EXPECTATION CONGRUENCE: People expect to see road signs in mixed case. Thus, they process words more easily when the format is congruent with their expectations.
GREATER DISTINCTION: Uppercase letters share the same height, thus creating a rectangular block of text. Because mixed case letters are different heights, people perceive more distinction between letters.


Separated Fonts Convey Fragmentation and Individuality
When letters are separated, fonts convey the perception of individuality:

“[connectivity] has its own metaphoric potential. External disconnection can suggest ‘atomisation’, or ‘fragmentation’, and external connection ‘wholeness’, or ‘integration.” (Van Leeuwen, 2006, pp. 149)

Connected Fonts Convey Unity and Collectivism

Likewise, connected letters portray the perception of closeness

Connected fonts aren’t necessarily cursive. The letters simply need to touch.


Condensed Fonts Convey Tightness and Precision
Earlier, I mentioned that a condensed font performed better for an ad promoting a “slim” cell phone (Kang & Choi, 2013). That’s because of the perceptual overlap:

“Maximally condensed typefaces make maximal use of limited space. They are precise, economical, packing the page with content. Wide typefaces, by contrast, spread themselves around, using space as if it is in unlimited supply.” (pp. 148)

Extended Fonts Convey Spaciousness and Relaxation

“Wide typefaces may also be seen in a positive light, as providing room to breathe, room to move, while condensed typefaces may, by contrast, be seen as cramped, overcrowded, restrictive of movement.” (Kang & Choi, 2013, pp. 148)


Short Fonts Convey Heaviness and Stability
Font height resembles our metaphorical conception of gravity:

“The meaning potential of horizontality and verticality is ultimately based on our experience of gravity, and of walking upright. Horizontal orientation, for instance, could suggest ‘heaviness’, ‘solidity’, but also ‘inertia’, ‘self-satisfaction’” (Kang & Choi, 2013, pp. 149)

If you need to portray something as durable or immovable, a short font might work well.

Tall Fonts Convey Lightness and Luxury
Likewise, tall fonts convey lightness and quickness. The meaning can also extend to metaphorical associations of aspiration and ambition (Kang & Choi, 2013).

Other research has linked verticality with luxury (Van Rompay et al. 2012). If you need to portray a luxurious product, a tall font might be a good choice.


I threw a ton of info at you. But you can use this article as a reference guide.

Or if you need to choose a font quickly, then use the table below (which I adapted from Henderson, Giese, & Cote, 2004). 

Just look for a group of traits that describe your context. Then choose a font with similar visual characteristics.

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