Thursday 24 August 2017

Email Marketing Trick to Get Raving Subscribers: The Indoctrination Sequ...

My previous post noted the importance of nurturing your email subscribers - and this is a great summary for how to do this!  What I took from this video:

People have such information overload that within a week they will forget who you are, and why you are emailing them... so Till Boadella suggests you prevent this by using an ‘indoctrination sequence’ 😊

This is usually a sequence of 3 or 4 emails, the only purpose being to position you and your brand in your subscriber’s mind.  These should hit a few different triggers – such as authority, social proof, community, and likeability.

First - welcome them to your community: explain what you do, who you help and how.  Remind them why they’re receiving the email.

Then do a few story videos about yourself, what you’ve done, basically anything that positions you as an expert.

List control is really important – i.e. that people on your list trust you, and will take the actions you recommend.  A great way to get list control is to use this indoctrination sequence.

Once they’ve completed this sequence, your subscribers should then be added to the general broadcast list.

Thanks for this, Till Boadella!

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