Monday 27 November 2017

How To Write a Killer 7 Day Email Follow Up

Justin Brooke from talks us through the 7 day email follow-up that he uses for each new lead.  I guess these don't have to be sent every day, if you'd rather you could send them every 2 or 3 days, just make sure you're consistent with that.

Email 1:  
Generally you will have used some kind of lead magnet to encourage them to give you their contact details, such as a free gift.  So obviously the first email should include whatever you've promised them.

Also, make sure you welcome them, then set their expectations for what's coming next.  Let them know you'll continue emailing them, and even list out what emails they can expect from you.  

Then briefly introduce yourself, your company, or the product. Also, recommend they white-list your email so you don't go into their spam folder.  

Finally, add a P.S.  Justin usually puts something like: Hey, I reply to every email I receive, so send me a question about anything you like - such as what's your biggest question about your business.

Email 2: 
Tell your story, so that your customer can relate to you.  Let them know why they can trust you as a provider of solutions for them.

Email 3: 
Establish a common enemy, so they feel like they're on the same team as you.

Emails 4, 5, and 6: 
Give them content, that keeps them in the same frame of mind - so articles about the solutions you're providing, without any hard sell at this point.  At the bottom of the emails you can have a soft pitch, but make sure this feels appropriate.

Email 7: 
Here's where the hard sell comes in.  Include social proof, such as testimonials, to show them why 'this' is the solution they're looking for, and you're the person to provide it to them.

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