Thursday 16 November 2017

It's All In The Follow-Up

It's All In The Follow-Up...

This is something my coaches keep telling me... It's all in the follow-up!

When you start off in digital marketing, you're really focused on getting people on to your list... and it's hard to see much past that. You're thinking of what value you can give to them initially, and how to encourage them to sign up to the value you can give them longer term. The last thing you want to do, is then stop providing that value!

Giving people the opportunity to buy really useful things from you, that you've researched yourself and are confident in recommending - sure, that's valuable! But only if they like you, and trust you - trust that you have actually researched the product, and that you do actually believe it's a product worthy of recommendation.

Until then, you're just a stranger trying to sell them something... Would you really blame them for unsubscribing? Then all that time, effort, and money you put into getting them on your list is wasted.

I'm at the point now where my list is looking quite healthy, and I'm refining ways to grow it quite successfully. However, I am noticing I'm getting more unsubscribes than I would like. Not lots, but each time it feels a bit personal... I hate to think that I'm annoying the people I'm trying to help!

So, over the next few weeks I will be focusing on how to improve my email follow-ups, and basically nurture my list!

You are going to see me post a number of videos, together with my key take-aways, which I hope you will also find really useful.

The first video I recommend you watch is Till Boadella's description of his Indoctrination Sequence that he uses to nurture his list. I already shared this on my blog with the notes I took from it, so please see that article here.

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